Where can visitors park and how much does it cost?
- Purchase online, print, and display on your dashboard while parked on campus
- Purchase in the Campus Services office in the Lavin-Bernick Center (LBC), Suite 107
Are visitors' parking passes free?
Parents of enrolled Tulane students may receive a free daily permit by visiting the Campus Services office in the Lavin-Bernick Center, Suite 107. All other visitors are charged $5.00 per day. Visitors have two options:
- Purchase online, print and display on your dashboard while parked on campus
- Purchase in the Campus Services office in the Lavin-Bernick Center (LBC), Suite 107
Can first-year students purchase permits?
Can I move my permit from car to car?
What if I arrive on campus and realize I have forgotten my permit in another car?
What do I do if I lost my permit?
Why is it so hard to find parking in the center of campus?
Do I have to notify the Parking Office, if I change vehicles or license plates?
Why are violation fines so high?
Why is enforcement inconsistent?
What should I do when there is a car in my reserved space?