Do I need a parking permit?
All vehicles parked on campus must have an active parking permit displayed in their vehicle. Permits can be ordered online at and picked up in the Campus Services office in the Lavin-Bernick Center. There, you may purchase a permit using an available iPad. Bring your Splash Card with you to the office. Faculty and Staff permits can be paid by payroll deduction, with credit card, cash or check. We are not able to accept American Express. Parking zones are strictly regulated to ensure there are spaces available for valid permit holders.
Parking Options for Faculty and Staff
All campus parking requires the display of a valid permit or payment of an hourly space throughout the year, including the summer. Permit renewal/registration may be accomplished conveniently from this website. Annual faculty and staff permits are based on salary. Please see the permit costs link above.
Staff permits are issued to persons who are staff members, sub-contract employees (food service, custodial, travel agency, bookstore, bank employees and temporary employees). University staff should purchase and display their parking permit prior to the beginning of the permit year.
Faculty permits are issued for persons who are faculty and Tulane Executive Officers. University faculty should purchase and display their parking permit prior to the beginning of the permit year.
Hourly parking spaces are located throughout campus. If you are parked in an hour space, please make sure you have paid through the ParkMobile app. Hourly spaces are a 2-hour maximum.
Daily Permits are available for purchase online and in our office. Daily permits purchased online are printed at home and placed on your dashboard. You can also purchase daily permits in the Campus Services office. Daily permits are only valid in the Claiborne Lot and Diboll Garage, third floor and above. Faculty and staff with a disability, permanent or temporary, may purchase a handicap parking permit valid in accessible locations near campus buildings.
Handicap Permits are available for Faculty and Staff who qualify for disability services either temporarily or ongoing. Faculty and staff should begin by presenting documentation to the Customer Engagement office located in the Lavin-Bernick Center or e-mail
- Annual handicap permits are valid in accessible locations near campus buildings. Annual handicap permits are purchased in lieu of a faculty or staff permit, not in addition. Pricing is the same as a faculty or staff permit. Individuals who have a state-issued handicap permit should provide a copy to the Customer Engagement office, after which an annual handicap permit will be issued.
- Temporary handicap permits are available with a physician's letter identifying the nature of the disability and the length of time accommodations are needed. Temporary H permits may be issued as a replacement for an authorized parking permit, for a period not to exceed six months. These permits are not valid in accessible parking spaces. They will enable the faculty or staff member to park in a legal, unmarked parking space near their building. Pricing is $5 per day.
- As long as a valid Tulane parking permit along with a state-issued handicap placard or license plate are displayed, university affiliates may park in an accessible parking space.
- While we strive to provide adequate disabled parking in every area of campus, individuals are encouraged to contact us if your needs are not being met. We will provide any assistance possible to meet your needs including allocation of additional spaces, more enforcement, etc.
Where Can Faculty and Staff Park
Please see the uptown parking map for all parking options.
Game Day Parking
In order to accommodate home football game day parking, all campus parking spaces are turned over to game day operations and faculty and staff permits are not valid. Each week before a home football game, you will receive at least two emails and signage will be placed in the garage and around campus as reminders. Failure to comply will result in your vehicle being cited and possibly towed.
Parking on Move-in Day
Move-in is a very special time at Tulane when we are welcoming our new students. To ensure that we can accommodate unloading zones as well as parking for our new students and their families, all others are asked to park off campus that day. Information is sent out prior to move-in with any available parking options.
Park if you forgot your permit
Visit the Campus Services office, Lavin-Bernick Center, Suite 107, to purchase a one day parking permit if you have forgotten your pass.
Hosting Visitors / Guests
Faculty and staff who are scheduling meetings involving off-campus guests should call our office well before the meeting date to obtain and mail permits and parking instructions. Visitors should arrive on campus with a parking permit, directions to a convenient parking area, and information about parking. You may purchase permits for your guests via Interdepartmental Transfer or visitors can be directed to our online permit site to purchase guest permits. Your visitor will be able to print the permit before arriving to campus. Please contact us with any questions at 504-865-5441 or at We want to ensure that everyone has a good experience when arriving on and leaving from our campus.
Towing Policy
Tulane is authorized to remove to a storage area any vehicle illegally parked. The cost of any such removal is $100.