Uptown Parking FAQs


Where can visitors park and how much does it cost?

Hourly parking is available throughout the uptown campus. Hourly spaces run up to two hours and are $1/hour. Anyone parking in an hourly space is required to pay through the T2 paystation in Diboll Garage or the ParkMobile app, which can be downloaded from your phone's app store. ParkMobile options on campus are space-specific and are identified by zone numbers on signs and painted on the ground. Hourly spaces are limited to a 2-hour maximum
If you will be visiting campus for more than 2 hours, it is recommended you purchase a day parking permit for $5.00. Visitors have two options:
  • Purchase online, print, and display on your dashboard while parked on campus
  • Purchase in the Campus Services office in the Lavin-Bernick Center (LBC), Suite 107

Are visitors' parking passes free?

Parents of enrolled Tulane students may receive a free daily permit by visiting the Campus Services office in the Lavin-Bernick Center, Suite 107. All other visitors are charged $5.00 per day. Visitors have two options:

  • Purchase online, print and display on your dashboard while parked on campus
  • Purchase in the Campus Services office in the Lavin-Bernick Center (LBC), Suite 107

Can first-year students purchase permits?

Resident first-year students may not purchase parking permits nor may they park on campus.

Can I move my permit from car to car?

Yes, the parking permits are designed to be transferable between cars. Call or stop by the Campus Services office in the Lavin-Bernick Center (LBC), Suite 107 to register any vehicles you may park on campus.

What if I arrive on campus and realize I have forgotten my permit in another car?

Visit the Campus Services office in the Lavin-Bernick Center (LBC), Suite 107 and our staff can issue you a temporary permit for the day.

What do I do if I lost my permit?

Report the lost permit to the Campus Services office in the Lavin-Bernick Center (LBC), Suite 107 immediately. You will need to complete a Lost Permit Report and our staff will issue you another parking permit for $10. If the permit is found, return the permit to the Campus Services office and the fee will be refunded.

What if I have a rental car?

Anyone driving a rental vehicle may move the hanging tag from the registered vehicle to the rental vehicle.

Why is it so hard to find parking in the center of campus?

While parking does fill up quickly in locations such as Cowen Circle and Newcomb Place, ample parking spaces are available for the number of annual permits that are sold. The Diboll Parking Garage consistently has available space.

Do I have to notify the Parking Office, if I change vehicles or license plates?

Yes. It is to your advantage to notify us of any vehicle change to protect you from being held responsible for tickets on a car you no longer own. Also, we will be able to match your vehicle to your permit enabling us to identify the owner of the vehicle if the need should arise.

Why is parking so expensive?

Tulane University is land-locked in an urban setting. Due to its location, the availability of areas to create parking spaces and/or structures is limited. Parking is comparable to other universities in similar situations.

Why are violation fines so high?

Parking fines are meant to act as a deterrent from risking a parking ticket and/or being booted.

Why is enforcement inconsistent?

Everyone is expected to follow the parking rules and regulations of the university; however, our parking operators cannot be in every location at the same time. Tickets are issued as violations are observed.

What should I do when there is a car in my reserved space?

Please provide the Campus Services office, (504) 865-5441 with as much information about the vehicle as possible (make, model, color, license plate). The vehicle will be ticketed and/or booted. Please do not park in someone else's reserved space. This exacerbates the problem and could possibly result in your car being ticketed and/or booted.