Uptown Office & Academic Buildings

On uptown campus, paper and cardboard are collected separately from plastic bottles & aluminum cans. Offices have paper recycling bins that can be used to recycle all paper, including white paper, color paper, envelopes, folders, telephone books, newspapers and magazines. No books or food containers. Cardboard boxes should be emptied of packing materials, flattened, and set next to your garbage can for pickup. Bottle & can collection containers are located on the outside grounds, in eating areas and in some public spaces inside buildings. You can place plastic bottles, aluminum cans, and metal cans in these bins. No glass, please!

Custodians empty paper recycling bins in offices and place the paper in 95 gallon collection toters that are emptied by recycling staff once a week. Custodians take cardboard boxes and bags of bottles & cans outside every day and set them near dumpsters for pickup by recycling staff.

To request a recycling bin for your office please e-mail recycle@tulane.edu. Extra toters can be requested for large quantities of office paper from clean-outs or moves. You may also request assistance if your office has a large amount of cardboard resulting from a move or shipment. On the uptown campus, you can submit a request for these services through the Service Wave website.

See the table below for information on recycling or properly disposing of bulky wastes on the uptown campus.

What do I do with…..?  Procedures for bulky waste recycling and disposal for Uptown Offices


Brief Instructions

Broken Classroom Chairs or Furniture

Leave in classroom.  Report through Servicewave with room number.


AAA, AA, C, D etc. alkaline batteries can be placed in trash. Re-chargeable batteries must be recycled; check with product manufacturer for procedures. 

Batteries (UPS)

Please provide an interdepartmental order for recycle items. If the request can be completed in one hour or less, you will not be charged. If multiple time and technicians are needed the interdepartmental order will be billed for time. 

*All items for recycling must be boxed and ready for pickup with accompanying cords.

Batteries (Laptops)

Please provide an interdepartmental order for recycle items. If the request can be completed in one hour or less, you will not be charged. If multiple time and technicians are needed the interdepartmental order will be billed for time. 

*All items for recycling must be boxed and ready for pickup with accompanying cords.


Drop-off boxes at Norman Mayer center entrance. Departments can request shipping boxes from Office of Sustainability at recycle@tulane.edu.  

Cardboard Boxes

Remove all non-recyclables (styrofoam, plastic film, etc.) Set next to trash can for pickup by custodians.


Please provide an interdepartmental order for recycle items. If the request can be completed in one hour or less, you will not be charged. If multiple time and technicians are needed the interdepartmental order will be billed for time. Large items xerox; standalone printers or shredders, require an interdepartmental order. Please check with Xerox dept for approval to move.

*All items for recycling must be boxed and ready for pickup with accompanying cords.

Copiers (Large)

An interdepartmental order is required for moving or recycling of copiers. Please check with Xerox for approval for rented units.

Copiers (Small/Desktop), including Fax Machines, Scanners

Please provide an interdepartmental order for recycle items. If the request can be completed in one hour or less, you will not be charged. If multiple time and technicians are needed the interdepartmental order will be billed for time. Large items xerox; standalone printers or shredders, require an interdepartmental order. Please check with Xerox dept for approval to move.

*All items for recycling must be boxed and ready for pickup with accompanying cords.

Office Furniture, such as Desks, Chairs, File Cabinets

An interdepartmental order is required for furniture moves or disposal and furnishings for Materials Management. 

Paper--Large Amounts

For moves and clean-outs, submit a Servicewave requesting  a large Paper Recycling Toter. Empty toter will be dropped off to office; submit Servicewave for pickup when full. 

Printer Cartridges

Best: Return to the manufacturer in the provided box or envelope. 

Collect used cartridge in a medium/large box.  When box is full, place a Servicewave that requests Electronics/printer cartridge recycling pickup.

Electronic media

Visit GreenDisk.com for instructions and labels for shipping electronic media to their recycling facility.

Wood Pallets

Place in loading dock area.