Tulane University recycles departmental computers, electronics and printer toner and cartridges. Computers and electronics are recycled through the Property Management Office. The computers are logged out and are first made available to other Tulane offices. Computers that cannot be reused on campus are recycled by the Capital Area Corporate Recycling Council, a Baton Rouge non-profit that distributes many to schools. If you have sensitive financial or medical data or student records on your computer, please contact the Tulane Help Desk at 504-862-8888 to schedule someone to remove the information from the computer before it is recycled. Electronics are a regulated waste and cannot be placed in the trash.
Please provide an interdepartmental order for recycle items. If the request can be completed in one hour or less, you will not be charged. If multiple time and technicians are needed the interdepartmental order will be billed for time. Large items xerox; standalone printers or shredders, require an interdepartmental order. Please check with Xerox dept for approval to move.
Items accepted for recycling:
- Computers
- Laptops
- Desktop printer
- Monitors
*All items for recycling must be boxed and ready for pickup with accompanying cords.
Printer cartridges
Returning used printer cartridges to the manufacturer in a provided box or envelope is the most environmentally-friendly recycling option! If you are unable to do this, collect printer cartridges in a large cardboard box that can be closed. When the box is filled, please complete a Service Wave request for electronics recycling pickups. This is for departmental pickups only at this time.