Citation Appeal Regulations

Appeal a Citation

The Appeal Board

The Parking Appeals process is guided by an autonomous Advisory Board of faculty and staff volunteers. Board members are appointed by the Faculty Senate. The Advisory Board is independent of Parking Services staff, with no parking employee serving as voting members.

The Appeals Process

Summary of Process

  • There is a $5.00 fee to appeal a citation
  • A written appeal is reviewed by the Appeals Committee
  • The Appeals Committee evaluates the appeal based on guidelines and criteria established by the Parking Advisory Board.
  • The appellant is informed, by e-mail of the hearing decision.

The University accepts appeals of parking citations. Any citation may be appealed although certain types of appeals are generally not accepted. Automatic payment of a citation under appeal is suspended without penalty during the appeal process. A completed appeal form must be received at within 10 calendar days from the date the citation was issued.

Parking citations are issued for violation of established University parking regulations. An appeal should be based on the premise that the citation was not consistent with Tulane parking regulations, or that special extenuating circumstances exist that should excuse the appellant from compliance with those regulations. 

By joining in the appeals arbitration process, both the appellant and Parking agree to accept the board’s decision as final and binding. The Parking Appeals Board ruling is the final University decision regarding parking citations.

Appealed citations are placed on hold until the appellant is emailed notice of the hearing decision. No additional late fees will be added, and payment is not required unless the citation is upheld.

A Hearing notice that a citation is dismissed requires no further action on the part of the appellant. This process may uphold a citation at either the current fine level or a reduced fine. Payment of an upheld citation is required within 10 calendar days of the decision.

Definitions of Appeals Actions

UPHELD means that the citation has been upheld as valid under Tulane parking regulations and payment is due.

REDUCED means that the Board agrees there was a violation of Tulane parking regulations, but that mitigating circumstances presented in your appeal warrant a reduced fine. Payment of the reduced fine is required.

DISMISSED means that the appeal was approved and the fine was waived.

Filing an appeal

The assessment of any fines may be challenged before the Parking Appeals Committee, composed by an autonomous Advisory Board of faculty and staff members. You may file an appeal online. A $5.00 administrative fee will be applied to the ticket. If the appellant wins the appeal, the $5.00 fee is waved. Your appeal must be received within 10 calendar days from the date the citation was issued. The following information must be included with the appeal, regardless of the method of submittal. Incomplete appeals cannot be processed.

  • Name
  • Current address
  • Vehicle license plate number and state
  • Permit number
  • A statement explaining why the citation should be waived

No appeal will be considered that is based on ignorance or misunderstanding of the stated parking regulations.

Remember to keep a copy of your appeal and citation for your records.

Use our online parking appeal form at Be sure to include all of the information listed on that form, including your return e-mail address. When the form is completed, be sure that you click on the “Submit” button. You will receive notice of the Hearing Decision by e-mail.