Tulane University provides a convenient course materials ordering model that gives Newcomb-Tulane College undergraduate students access to all textbooks and course materials on the first day of class. Please read this page for information on the NTC Undergrad Bundle, what you need to know, how it works, and answers to frequently asked questions.
Course Materials Ordering Opt Out of NTC Bundle
What You Need to Know about the NTC Undergrad Bundle
- Only Newcomb-Tulane College undergraduate students can access the new course materials ordering model.
- NTC international exchange students and study abroad students are not eligible for accessing the automated NTC Undergrad Bundle.
- Course materials include textbooks and all digital materials used for instruction in a course: digital books, online resources, digital media, access codes, and lab manuals.
- Students will be expected to return textbooks at the end of the semester, similar to rentals. Students are allowed to highlight and write in these rented materials. There is an option to buy books during the return period.
- Students can opt out of the NTC Undergrad Bundle by the same date as dropping a class for a full refund that is listed on the university's academic calendar.
- The Tulane bookstore recommends students to calculate their possible level of savings very closely before considering the opt-out option.
- The opt-out option includes opting out of automatic delivery of digital materials, which will need to be purchased manually if the opt-out option is selected.
- Scholarships are available through the Office of Academic Equity.
How It Works
- Students register for classes.
- One month before classes start, students will receive an email instructing the review of courses. This message will explain how to choose the way materials are received: pickup or delivery. It is important to respond to this email immediately.
- The bundle cost for full-time students is $350 (12 credit hours or more).
- The bundle cost for part-time students who are enrolled in at least six credits hours is $188.
- The bookstore will prepare student course materials in a convenient package.
- Students will receive an email notification when rental course materials are ready for pickup at the bookstore or when the bundle ships, depending on the selection made.
- Digital materials will be delivered within Canvas, the online learning management system.
- When courses are over, the bookstore will send students a reminder email to return rented course materials.
- Please remember: If you opt out of the bundle, you will lose access to all digital materials and will have to pay full price for them.
How to Opt Out
- After you receive a message that the NTC Undergrad Bundle portal is open for pickup or delivery selection, go to: https://sso.bncollege.com/bes-sp/bessso/saml/tulaneedu/fdcopt/logon
- Login with your Tulane single sign on credentials
- Choose the current semester
- Select the opt-out button
- Check your Tulane email for opt-out confirmation
- Save your confirmation email in case you decide you need to opt back into the NTC Undergrad Bundle
Please review the following frequently asked questions for students and faculty.
Students: Frequently Asked Questions
Who is eligible to access the NTC Undergrad Bundle?
Newcomb-Tulane College undergraduate students are eligible to access the NTC Undergrad Bundle. Part time NTC students who are registered in less than six credit hours are not eligible for the bundle.
Is this program available to Newcomb-Tulane College international exchange students?
No. NTC undergraduates who are international exchange students will not be eligible to have their course materials ordered automatically through this new model. They will need to order their course materials manually through the Tulane bookstore.
No. Only NTC undergraduate students, who are not studying abroad or part of an international exchange program, can access the NTC Undergrad Bundle.
No, however, an action must be taken to submit textbooks orders to the bookstore. Students who do not wish to use the NTC Undergrad bundle must opt out of the NTC Undergrad Bundle by the same date as dropping a class for a full refund that is listed on the university's academic calendar. Charges will apply if students do not opt out by the due date.
Do I need to do anything to order my textbooks?
Yes. You will be notified by email when your materials are ready to pick up or delivery. You will need to select how you prefer to receive your materials via this email.
What is included in the bundle?
The bundle includes textbooks and all digital materials required for instruction in a course: digital books, online resources, digital media, access codes, and lab manuals. Students will be expected to return textbooks at the end of the semester, similar to rentals. Students are allowed to highlight and write in these materials. There is also an option to buy books during the return period.
How much does the NTC Undergrad Bundle cost?
The bundle cost for full time students (12 credit hours or more) is a flat fee of $350 per semester. The cost for part time students who are registered for at least six credit hours is $188. Part time students who are registered in less than six credit hours are not eligible for the bundle. The Tulane bookstore recommends that students calculate their possible level of savings very closely before considering the opt-out option. Please note that the bundle is not a la carte: Opting out of the bundle means that you have opted out for every class you are registered for the semester. If you opt out, you will lose access to all digital materials in the bundle.
Charges will be added to your accounts receivable bill. Timing and cost depends on registration status and semester. A $350 charge will be added to your July billing statement for the fall semester, and to your December billing statement for spring semester. For seniors who have achieved approval by Academic Advising to enroll on a part-time basis in their last semester, a $188 charge will be added to your bill where total registered hours range from 6 credits to 11.5 credits. For those with less than 6 credit hours registered, you will need to purchase your course materials at retail price.
Will this affect my financial aid?
No. Financial aid is allocated for course materials, and that process has not changed.
I was supposed to get information emailed to me about the NTC Undergrad Bundle by now, where is it?
If you have not received this information, please contact your bookstore team.
How do I calculate my potential savings to determine if this program benefits me?
The Tulane bookstore recommends that all eligible students calculate their possible level of savings on textbooks and course materials very closely. Here’s how you can calculate your costs:
- Use the course finder on the bookstore’s website: https://tulane.bncollege.com/course-material/course-finder
- Select your courses using the drop down menu to find prices of course materials
- Add the costs
- Compare the general course materials cost to the $350 per semester full-time student bundle cost or the $188 per semester part-time student who are registered in at least six credit hours bundle cost.
Yes. Students may choose to opt out of the NTC Undergrad Bundle on the course materials portal. Students who opt out will not be charged and are free to obtain their course materials individually. Students must opt-out by the same date as dropping a class for a full refund that is listed on the university's academic calendar.
The Tulane bookstore recommends all eligible students calculate their possible level of savings on textbooks and course materials very closely before considering opting out of the NTC Undergrad Bundle. If you have determined that this program will not benefit you, please opt out using the following instructions. Please be sure to use the Google Chrome web browser for best results.
- After you receive a message that the NTC Undergrad Bundle portal is open for pickup or delivery selection, go to: https://sso.bncollege.com/bes-sp/bessso/saml/tulaneedu/fdcopt/logon
- Login with your Tulane single sign on credentials
- Choose the current semester
- Select the opt-out button
- Check your Tulane email for opt-out confirmation
- Save your confirmation email in case you decide you need to opt back into the NTC Undergrad Bundle
Do I need to opt-out if I am studying abroad?
No. NTC undergraduates who are studying abroad will not be eligible to have their course materials ordered automatically through this new model. This means opting out is not necessary.
Will I receive a course materials refund if I drop a course after the opt-out date?
No. You will have to opt out by the deadline to receive a refund. The opt-out deadline is the same date as dropping a class for a full refund that is listed on the university's academic calendar.
What if I need to opt back into the program after opting out?
An opt-in option is included in the opt-out confirmation email. Save this email in case you decide to opt back into the program. Make sure you opt in before the deadline. The opt-out deadline is the same date as dropping a class for a full refund that is listed on the university's academic calendar.
How do I opt in if I deleted my opt-out confirmation email?
Please contact your bookstore team by the deadline, and they will help you opt back into the NTC Undergrad Bundle. The opt-out date will be the same date as dropping a class for a full refund that is listed on the university's academic calendar.
You may return books to the bookstore on the same terms and timelines currently in place. If you drop a class and enroll in a different class, the bookstore will swap the required textbooks and/or codes so that you have what you need.
Who do I contact for support with digital materials?
Please go to customercare.bncollege.com for support with digital materials.
You may return books to the bookstore on the same terms and timelines currently in place. If you drop a class and enroll in a different class, the bookstore will swap the required textbooks and/or codes so that you have what you need.
Please contact your bookstore team if you have any questions regarding your course materials.
Faculty: Frequently Asked Questions
How can faculty contribute to the success of the program?
Faculty contribute to the success of the program by submitting their course material selections to the bookstore by the adoption deadline.
How does this program benefit me as a faculty member?
For years, many of the Tulane faculty have taken a proactive approach to helping students manage the high cost of textbooks by limiting the number of books for a course or by using other materials. The ultimate advantage of the NTC textbook program for faculty is simple: It allows faculty to open their curriculum by utilizing as many textbooks as needed without any additional cost to the student. Full-time NTC students who use the program will pay $350 for 12 credit hours or more, regardless of the amount or type of textbooks selected by the faculty.
What is included in the program?
The program provides all required textbooks, lab manuals, access codes, and digital textbook versions to undergraduate students.
What is excluded from the program?
The program does not include consumables that cannot be returned and reused: lab goggles, dissection kits, molecular model kits, engineering kits, or nursing kits.
What is the cost to students for course materials in this new program?
The bundle cost depends on registration status. The cost for full time students is a flat fee of $350 per semester (12 credit hours or more). The cost for part time students who are registered for six credit hours or more is $188. Part time students who are registered for less than six credit hours are not eligible for the bundle.
How do students purchase course materials if they decide not to be in the program?
Undergraduate students who have elected to opt-out of automatic course materials ordering will be responsible for acquiring their own course materials.
What if my course materials are non-traditional or do not work within this program?
If your course materials do not fit within this program, please share the opt-out information with your students. Students can opt-out of the program by the same date as dropping a class for a full refund that is listed on the university's academic calendar. Instructions for opting out are included in the Student FAQs on this webpage.
How does the Tulane Bookstore ensure that students are getting their required course materials?
One month before classes start, students will receive an email instructing them to select their fulfillment preference: in-store pickup or shipped directly. An email notification will be sent when the students order is ready for pickup or when it ships, and digital materials will be delivered for course(s) within Canvas, the online learning management system.
Will faculty have to change their course materials currently being used?
No. There are no restrictions in the course materials you select for your course. All course materials, from any publisher, in your preferred format are included in the program.
Can I indicate that the student may use either a digital or physical textbook for my class?
No. While this program allows you full academic choice, we ask that you choose either digital or the physical book for your class. If you primarily use digital courseware in the package, we suggest you adopt this option so students can receive seamless delivery through Canvas, the online learning management system. Students have an option to purchase a print upgrade, but this is less than 1% of students. If you only use the physical text, you may adopt that alone. You should also know that due to supply chain issues, many publishers are encouraging a shift to digital materials over the physical text.
If you have already submitted your course materials for the fall semester, you have done everything you need to do to for course materials distribution.
If your materials have a 13-digit ISBN number, it will be included in the fee for the student.
Why not work directly with publishers?
Publishers do not have the ability to provide all the different formats of content that faculty request at the lowest price possible.
How can we be sure that this will lower book costs for our students?
The Tulane bookstore is committed to lowering the costs of course material to our students, and with their integrated supply chain and economies of scale, the program brings a new innovative way to provide the most affordable solution for our students.
Will students be able to keep their course materials once they have completed the course?
Yes, the program provides students with the option to purchase textbooks at a reduced rate during the return period.
What happens if a faculty member changes their course material adoption?
If a faculty member changes their course material adoption, faculty should notify the bookstore of the new adoption and the bookstore will ensure that students receive the corrected course materials.
The bookstore is committed to helping as they normally do in those situations. We will just work to update the textbook adoption platform with the new materials.
What happens if a student drops/adds a course?
When a student adds/drops a course, students are provided instructions for returning their course materials and delivery options for any new courses that have been added.
What if students have questions or trouble accessing their digital course materials?
All students in the program using digital materials should be directed to contact Bookstore Customer Care at bookstorecustomercare@bncollege.com for assistance.
Are faculty limited to the open education resource options the bookstore has partnerships with?
Faculty can find low-cost or no-cost affordability solutions, recommended in line with relevant courses if there are no open education resource campus restrictions with course materials for their course.
Students will pay for the total number of credits taken a semester, not by the number of courses utilizing the program. Students have the option to opt out for all classes in their term.
How do we ensure course materials in the program are accessible to students with accommodations?
The bookstore can accommodate students with accessibility needs.
Last updated: Feb. 28, 2024