TNPRC RBL Lab Renovation - Week of November 10, 2023

Sources of Noise

  • Hand Tools.
  • Small man lift.

Utility Shutdowns

  • None at this time.


  • Materials.

Events for upcoming week

  • Remove temp walls from the South and West walls of Offices 3 and 4.
  • Build a new temp wall North side of Office 2.
  • Begin hanging drywall North side of Office 2.
  • Modify drywall reveal in hall adjacent to Offices 3 and 4.
  • Continue installing Mullion Mate.

Recap of week ending November 3, 2023

  • Installed ceiling tiles throughout offices.
  • Touched up finishes in Offices 3 and 4.
  • Pulled VAV Data wire from Offices to Penthouse.
  • Began Mullion Mate installation.