RMH - Week of June 14, 2024

Sources of Noise

- Vehicles
- Dumpsters
- Tools/ Equipment

Utility Shutdowns

- None at this time


- General construction materials. 
- Dumpsters
- Doors

Events for upcoming week

- Continue Low Voltage installation. Terminate 4th floor Network racks.
- Continue HVAC installation and insulation. Monitor overnights.
- Continue 1st floor topping slab. DOL floor. Prep/ level Woodshop and hallway 1CRD1.
- Thompson team inspections where available.
- Tape/float/finish where available.
- Continue framing Seminar 415 ceiling, 3rd floor center, and 4th floor Center.
- Continue sprinkler head checks and test South sprinkler riser.
- Continue ceramic tiles on 1st floor rest room walls.
- Continue Scaffold materials removal from upper floors and west exterior.
- Continue painting walls as they are available.
- Continue Prep IT closets for equipment installation readiness. 
- Continue millwork installation in 1st floor South offices.

Recap of Week ending June 9, 2024

- Continue MEP installations throughout. Hang light fixtures and outlets on 1st floor where available.
- Continue roof parapet stucco.
- Continue 1st - 5th floor Tape/ Float/ Finish.
- Continue rooftop pipe and duct insulation.
- Continue elevator configurations.
- Continue Low Voltage IDF and fiber/ telco riser terminations.
- Continue 1st floor Center topping slab and leveler on 1st floor. 
- Complete center admin office topping slab and protect surface. Level woodshop and prep DOL (digital Output lab).
- Continue 5th floor ceiling installations, tape/ float/ finish.
- Continue 2nd floor Hardwood installation. 2/3 lobby covered. 
- Continue ceramic tile in R1001W and R1002M.
- Continue door installations at rooftop and IT closets. Temp cores installed at IT closets.
- Begin lighting control module wiring for building automation.