
Promote your Tulane University program, event or service through the following advertising channels, including the student newspaper and transit options:

Hullabaloo Advertising:

The Tulane student newspaper, the Tulane Hullabaloo, offers print and web advertising for a range of needs and budgets. For more information, go to:

Transit Advertising:

Who Can Advertise?

Tulane University departments, academic units, centers, campus events and recognized student organizations may purchase advertising space on a first-come first-served basis.

  • Ads must follow the guidelines set forth within the Tulane University Public Posting, Advertising and Solicitation Policies.
  • The department or organization sponsoring the event must have its name and contact information (phone number, e-mail or website and/or postal address) visible on the ad.
  • Advertising of events that serve alcohol must be handled in a responsible manner without promotion of excessive drinking.
  • Overt or covert reference or illustration to alcohol is prohibited. Advertising events in which alcohol will be served must follow the Student Guide to the Tulane Alcohol Beverage Policy as set forth by the university and approved by the university senate.
  • Publicity must not degrade groups or individuals.
    The Office of University Services reserves the right to reject advertising material deemed inappropriate or fails to comply with university guidelines.

Want to Advertise?

In partnership with MSSmedia, Campus Services offers the following advertising channels. To learn more, please email

  • Interior Bus Card Advertisements
  • Interior Bus Hang Strap Panel Advertisements
  • Newspaper Kiosk Advertisements
  • Bus Shelter Advertisements
  • Parking Garage Wall Panel Advertisements

For more information on each channel, click below.

Interior Bus Card Advertisements

Interior Bus Card Advertisements

Transit advertising in the Tulane Shuttles & Transportation buses

  • 10.5" high x 20" wide
  • Full-color
Monthly9 Bus Cards$250
Annually9 Bus Cards$2,500


Interior Bus Hang Strap Panel Advertisements

  • Transit advertising in the Tulane Shuttles & Transportation buses
  • 5" wide x 2.75" high
  • Double-sided
  • Full-color
Monthly70 Hang Strap Cards$350
Annually70 Hang Strap Cards$3,500


Newspaper Kiosk Advertisements

  • Panels in 4 newspaper kiosks across campus
  • 24" wide x 48" high
  • Full-color
Monthly1 Kiosk Ad Panel$300
Annually1 Kiosk Ad Panel$3,150

Shuttle Shelter Advertisements

  • Panels in 2 shuttle shelters on campus
  • 2.2' wide x 5.5' high
  • Full-color
Monthly1 Shelter Panel$600
Annually1 Shelter Panel$6,150


Garage Wall Panel Advertisements

  • 10 panels in the Diboll Parking Garage on campus
  • 2.2' wide x 5.5' high
  • Full-color
Monthly1 Wall Panel$300
Annually1 Wall Panel$3,150